Monday, June 22, 2009

broken summer and blog

man i'm so upset right now...i actually took the time to write out a blog which i never do, and now it has been deleted. wow. so now i'm really summing up what i said..its almost two months into summer, i broke my foot, got a screw put in, and can now walk. i also need to get in shape again. which sucks. on the bright side of things i now have lots of sympathy for the sick and injured, and vow to always visit them and comfort them during their down time...because i know it sucks! fun things i've done so far...went to taylor swift with nicole! it was way good she is awesome live. i've gone to lots of movies..Up, Night at the Museum 2, Terminator, and more. i've gotten to hang out and see friends i havent seen in a life is good :D

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Ihaven't even glanced at this in months, but lauren was talking to me about writing in her journal, and I really wanted to write something somewhere. I have so much on my mind right now---life, teammates, finals, family, school..friends...just everything. I look back at the past nine months and I've grown and changed a lot, some for the better, some probably not so much. First off my team has just been amazing---I never would've thought I could love someone as much as my Bingham team, but this year I've grown so close to them. I'm going to miss the seniors so much, they were so amazing and welcoming to me. Especially Rob and Lorn. Lorn and me have had an interesting year at times...with griff and all. but really, she just means so much to me. i dont know what im going to do without my cuddle buddy :P She's also taught me so much about how to be selfless and sacrifice for the people you love. that was the one thing that all the girls in Apt 8 and asumi taught me, is that they didn't even think twice to share anything. Food, clothes, even a car. I think i was a lot more selfish before i came, but hopefully i'm slowly changing in that area. this is why i love basketball so much, because so many amazing people come into your life, and i know...or hope that they will all be in my life for a long time. another thing--my roomies. Heather im gonna copy you a bit here but I know that we've gone through a lot of stuff this year, but honestly its going to be so weird coming back home and not seeing you guys atleast for a second everyday. The one thing i love about us is that we are all so different! You would never look at all of us and think that we are friends and close. I love you all so much and i love all the fun..and not so fun times we've had :D i really cant believe that move out is next week----ahhhhhhh. I just wanna say I've grown and learned and changed from all of you--and i love you all. Heather--you are just the best i love you so much and i'm so happy for you and dave. we have to stay in touch and visit as much as possible. I love our talks and random dance parties...they're just the best :D Denise you are just a gem i love spending time with you..quoting movies, talking, laughing, whatever :D. chels-i know we dont talk as much since you've gotten jeff but i love you dearly and i hope you know that! you are beautiful inside and out. asumi--thanks for watching over me this whole year and always answering my questions..helping me with things, and talking with me :D. Becca oh becca-i just love you so much and I love our many talks we've had over the year. You are such a sincere caring person, and i appreciate you never judging me on anything..always just being a listening ear and helping me with anything. I cant wait to come out to good ole MILBURN with ya and i know we'll keep in touch. I hope you guys know if you need anything or need to talk, just call, no matter how long it's been since we've seen or talked to each other. you are now my sisters and will always be a part of my life. I think the line from this song is kinda fitting...aww this is all nostalgic and all but yeah- I will remember you...Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories...Remember the good times that we had? ----I let them slip away from us when things got bad----this line is here to apologize, im sorry if i was ever rude or did anything to hurt your feelings. Well i love you all :D thats all. wow i'm pretty proud of myself for writing this much!

Monday, October 20, 2008


I dont even know what to say, i have a lot of stuff running through my head right is just so crazy. We started practice on friday, and seriously it was so hard, and three hours long. Then we did it again on saturday and then again today. It will pretty much be like this til march. I"m excited and nervous, and i dunno...this is just going to be a new experience for me! So i just found out that one of my best friends is pregnant, and i just dont know what to think about it. its just crazy, and i'm just kind of sad. I is weird, and i just dont know how to express what i'm thinking right now! more later i suppose...

Monday, October 13, 2008


So we start official practice on Friday, four hours that night, and four hours on saturday. It's supposed to be like that apparantly for the next couple months, so this is going to be a big test for me to see how i handle the intensity and exhaustion im sure im going to feel. I dont know what the expect for this season, alls i know is i hope i can get better, and somehow contribute to the team----in some way. ah!!!!

Something New

Well hello there! So my roommate heather was showing me her blog, and i thought it was just great, and i decided i should get one. I've always tried to keep a journal, but have never successfully kept up one consistently, and i figure that a blog is pretty much a journal. I think its important to write down how you feel sometimes, and just see in words what you're doing with your life---I'm not too good at expressing how i feel or anything like that, so this is definitely going to be a work in progress.